About Me

My name is Jason Bielenda. I started blogging because I wanted to make information available to other users of the internet. I have worked in the Information Technology field for many years. I have worked as an IT Director in a public company, and as a Network Administrator, Web Developer, Visual Basic programmer, Database Administrator, a Project Manager and I have managed to fail at running a business. Most of us do whether we want to admit it or not.


My hope is to provide information to the public whether it be mine or Public Domain articles. I will not hesitate to put someone else’s work on my blog if I feel it will benefit you and if I can do it legally without reprise from the author. I believe that information is the key to making an informed decision and I assure you that any information on my blog is with the consent of the original author.


I appreciate your visiting my blog, and I will do my best to help with any requests that are submitted for instructions or information. Please feel free to ask me any questions related to blogging or Information Technology as you wish. Again, no promises, but I will do my best to find a correct answer for you.


Enjoy my blog, and please leave as much feedback as you can. I will use the feedback left to improve my posts.


Jason Bielenda


Author: Jason Bielenda
Occupation: Information Technology Professional