Sometimes sleep just isnt happening

I find it strange that sometimes I just can't sleep. Really, what's the deal? Maybe life just gets in the way... Maybe the thoughts that race through my mind just keep me from resting. I find I can't sleep more and more often. Maybe its cause my proverbial bed is filled with crumbs, Filled with junk, Filled with something that won't go away. Maybe my story has no righteous ending or possibly has no real conclusion. Maybe there truly is no justice. Maybe others who trespass, who want in, who force their way into my mind are just my imagination working overtime. Is it possible to be too kind, to allow, or cause my own misery. Why does life seem to just take over like a rollercoaster in a seemingly endless circle with all its ups and downs and corners and twists. Is there a way off this endless ride? A way out? Who controls this damn ride anyway. Ha ha. Late night ramblings. Time to try and go to sleep. If I can get Kammy to scoot over and GET THE HELL OFF ME....


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